Make Your Screw Work for You: How to Optimize Fine Material Screw Washers

February 22, 2024

Fine Material Screw Washers, also called sand screws or screw washers, are simple and well-known equipment for washing, classifying and dewatering sand. They have been a staple in the industry for many years, and for good reason. 与其他类型的洗砂设备相比,螺旋洗砂机可以处理大量的材料,并适应进料的波动,功耗更低.

Screw washers can also last a long time, with many operating for decades in the field. If you’re having issues with your screw washer performance, it is most likely caused by a lack of water or too much water, or the screw wasn’t sized right in the first place. Sometimes, producers can push these machines past their limits, asking them to do more than the design parameters intended. In all these instances, 制作人可能会遇到性能问题或效率低下,这可能会让他们怀疑是否存在 better sand washing option.

If you find your sand screw isn’t performing as well as you’d like, you don’t have to start looking for a new sand plant just yet. 你可以根据几个不同的功能来优化你的螺丝,使它最适合你.

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For fines retention

Screw washers are used to separate undesirable fines from product-sized sand. Sometimes, however, product-sized fines may overflow with the wastewater. 为了保持这些“好”的罚款,你可以稍微调整你的过程或螺丝本身.

Adjust overflow weirs

细料螺旋清洗机在机器进料端清洗机箱体的两侧和后部设计有可调节的溢流堰. These weirs can be raised or lowered to increase or decrease fines retention. 提高堰允许更少的材料溢出浪费和更多的细材料保留, making a finer cut. Lowering the weirs allows more material to overflow to waste, making a coarser cut.

For optimum fines retention, the weirs should be set level.

Fine material screw washers 1

Adjust rising current classification

细料螺旋清洗机可以配备一个上升电流分级器,以帮助去除不需要的细料. 该装置在泳池下方注入一股上升的水流,以分离细颗粒,并使其悬浮,从而使其与废水一起溢出.

If product-sized fines are overflowing to waste, 减少流向上升电流分级机的水量或完全关闭它.

Correct improper slurry feed

If increased fines retention is desired, don’t forget to check your feed stream, including the makeup of the feed and how the screw is being fed.

In regard to the makeup of the feed, beware of overloading the screw, either with too much water or with too many feed streams. Screws are sized for both water and solids in the feed, and each size machine requires a specific water volume to make a desired cut. If the feed stream exceeds the amount of overflow for the desired cut, the excess water may carry product-sized fines with it to waste.


In regard to how the screw is fed, for optimal settling of product-sized fines, the pool area behind the baffle plate should be as calm as possible. Too much turbulence in the pool area can prohibit the good fines from settling.

To minimize turbulence and maximize fine sand retention, ensure the sand-slurry feed is directed to the discharge side of the baffle plate. 挡板有助于将洗涤区与进料区分开,以保持池区平静.

Adjust screw speed

虽然螺杆轴转速往往是由生产厂家设定的,以达到应用的目的, it can be adjusted to retain or remove fine sand. The faster the screw speed, the harder it is to convey fine sand. The fine sand will slide off the screw flights back into the washer box, which can cause the fines to build up in the washer box.

For finer sand applications, 螺杆转速可能需要降低,以确保颗粒停留在螺杆上,并被输送到出料处. 然而,请记住,螺杆转速的降低也会降低该装置的总容量.

For fines recovery

如果你已经优化了你的螺丝为罚款保留,仍然看到损失的菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全大小罚款浪费, don’t fret. You can recover those fines without having to replace your screw.

Add a Scavenger System

To recover product-sized fines being sent to waste, consider adding a Scavenger System. Scavenger Systems consist of a Sump, Pump and Separator™, which is installed over the discharge end of the screw. Overflow from the screw washer is directed to the Sump instead of to waste. From there, it is pumped up to the Separator™. The Separator™ recovers the product-sized fines 并将其作为部分脱水的沙子排放到螺杆的干甲板区域.

使用清除剂系统回收菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全大小的细粉的另一个好处是减少了向沉降池报告的物料量. This can have the added advantage of reducing pond cleanout frequency and maintenance.


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For a drier product

Fine Material Screw Washers offer some level of product dewatering, 根据不同的应用,出砂的含水率约为20%. The sand is stackable and conveyable; however, 这些库存通常需要放置一段时间,以便在菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全出售之前过滤掉多余的水分.

If you want a drier product from your screw washer, you have a few options.

Correct washback or flushing water

Although it may sound counter-intuitive, 在螺杆的干甲板区域添加反冲洗水或冲洗水,实际上可以提高菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全的干燥度.

Here’s how.

As sand is conveyed up the inclined dry deck area toward discharge, excess water and fines drain from the sand. In a single shaft setup, 沙子被输送到干甲板区域的一侧,水在另一侧排水. In a dual shaft setup, 沙子被输送到干甲板区域的中间,水从两侧排出. 冲洗水通常通过排水侧的喷嘴注入,将多余的水和细颗粒引导回泳池区域.

Without washback water or with the incorrect amount of washback water, fines can build up on the dry deck, 限制脱水的数量,可以发生和排放较湿的菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全.

To improve product dryness, 确保正确数量的反冲洗水,以使水有一个清晰的通道排出. 要记住的一个经验法则是,冲洗水应该足够,你可以看到金属的弯曲脱水板衬干甲板区域.

Add a dewatering screen

Dewatering Screens 生产无滴漏的菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全,可堆叠,可运输,并准备立即销售. 它们可以直接安装在螺杆的出料端下,接受部分脱水的物料,产生比单独螺杆更干燥的菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全. 这减少了沙子排出的水量,也减少了库存在出售前脱水的时间. In some cases, sand discharged from a Dewatering Screen can be sold immediately.

Not only does the addition of a Dewatering Screen improve stockpile maintenance, but it also improves overall site housekeeping. Less water in the product means less mess underneath conveyors. It also reduces belt cleaning maintenance associated with wetter sands, which can cling to and build up on the conveyor.

For improved efficiency

If you have excess fines or water in your feed, you can improve the efficiency of your screw by pre-washing the material.

Feed with a Separator™

分离器™可用于喂细料螺旋清洗机,具有提前去除- 200目材料的额外好处, providing a pre-washing of the material before it enters the screw. 这确保了一个很好的清洁饲料到螺杆,并允许它更有效地运作.

Similarly, Separators™ can also be used to reduce water from dilute feed streams. 如上所述,螺旋垫圈需要一定量的水来切割. 如果进料流太稀,超过了所需切割所需的水量, 分离器可以在螺杆前将部分水剥离,从而提高效率. 这也节省了你必须升级到一个更大的螺丝来处理多余的水.

Fine material screw washers 2

细料螺旋洗砂机仍然是洗砂、分级和脱水的理想选择. To optimize your screw for your application, consider adjustments to the overflow weirs, rising current classifier, slurry feed and screw speed to retain product-sized fines. To recover fines lost to waste, consider adding a Separator™ to process the overflow, or consider feeding the screw with a Separator™ to improve efficiency. For a drier product, 检查冲洗水或考虑添加脱水筛,对从螺杆排出的部分脱水砂进行最后的润色.

With these adjustments to the screw and/or process, or with the addition of lower-capital-cost processing equipment, you can ensure your screw is operating optimally for your application.

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